26 January 2014

What To Build?

Just returned back after a long 48-hour event (GGJ), tired as hell.. .. ..

This time, I will explain about the admin assist package, weapons and armors.

Admin Assist Package
So apparently after 1 August 2013, Dragon Nest Admins had been ruining the market for level 24, 32, 40 and maaaaaybe 50 equips due to this introduction of this "Booster Bag Rewards". Because of this introduction, many players cannot sell many nest equipment and material drops or used nest equipments back to the Trading House.

Taken from: http://dn.cherrycredits.com/boosterbag/

The Booster Bag Rewards could be obtained at a certain level mark of your character, this includes-

Level 16 - 25 Rough Agate
(Enhance Magic or Rare Items)

Level 24 - 50 Minotaur Leather, 18 Minotaur Horn, 25 Rough Alteum
(Craft Helmet, Upper Body and Lower Body)

Level 32 - 60 Cerberus Leather, 30 Cerberus Claw, 6 Cerberus Tail, 3 Cerberus Ear, 3 Cerberus Necklace, 25 Ordinary Alteum
(Craft Helmet, Gloves and Shoes)

Level 40 - 90 Manticore Tail, 40 Manticore Wing, 5 Manticore Belly Skin, 5 Manticore Shoulder, 5 Manticore Mane, 5 Manticore Eye, 25 Ordinary Alteum
(Craft Helmet, Upper Body and Lower Body)

Level 50 - 75 Immortal Shield, 75 Immortal Robe, 15 Immortal Coffin
(Craft Helmet, Upper Body and Lower Body)

Being a beta player, I personally find the packages absolutely ridiculous. The spirit of partying to clear nests had pretty much decreased dramatically after this was implemented. But I am guessing the reason for the packages would be to appeal to beginner players so that they will not lose out immediately after reaching Saint Haven. Introduction of the packages also promotes solo play for both new and old players. Be sure to grab this package which will be sent hourly, don't buy your equipments beforehand!!!

Weapons and Armors
So after you had received your booster pack, you wanna update the rest of your green or blue equips. Many players make this mistake, I am guilty of making this mistake too- Thinking that it is a MUST to get full set set bonuses body equips and heraldry after reaching every single nest level cap.

Here is why you should not go for full set, set bonuses equipments.

Here is the first 3 pages of the TH selling Elf Queen equipments.

Now here is the first 3 pages of the TH selling Ancient 

Do you see the ridiculous increase in prices?

Some of you might say "Oh, but that Elf Queen Crystal Ball is +7 and the Ancient Crystal Ball is +0"

We can see the stats of that same Elf Queen Crystal Ball stats.
Level +7
Restraint Suffix
Potential - 
Int +3.5%
Dark Attack +8%
Ice Attack +8%

I would say that this is a overpriced underaverage weapon. Simply because it has the (Restraint) Suffix and has both Dark and Ice attack in its potential. Both Force User and Elemental Lord cannot benefit from this weapon fully.

The cost of the Elf Queen Crystal Ball is around 190 gold.

If we bought the Ancient Crystal Ball = +8g

If we bought 1 stack of Rough Alteum for 1g each, solely for enhancing this crystal ball to +6 = +50g

We want to suffix it to the (Wind) Suffix for the critical.

If we bought the suffix materials at this TH = 15g + 7g = 22g

If we bought 2 codes at 40g each = 80g

So 8 + 50 + 22 + 80 = 160g (At max)

We are paying 160g for a +6 Ancient Crystal Ball with (Wind) Suffix.

In the end, we are saving over (ranging) 30g to 100g (as low grade crystal codes and rough alteums usually doesn't cost so much) for:

28 - 38 magic damage
24 - 32 physical damage (Sorceresses should not give two shit about this)
(Set Bonuses 3 piece onwards due to equips from admin assist package)
HP +1249
MP +1166
FD +98 (Bout 8% which is bout 1000/100*8 = 80dmg)

You are saving (worst case scenario) 30 gold for a decrease in 30 damage range and 80 damage output, which is a huuuuuuuge gold saver.

Remember that you can save up to 100 gold!

In conclusion, do not always aim for set bonuses items, unless it has a similar or almost the same price as the non set bonuses ones. Have Fun, Happy Nesting!

18 January 2014

Tips and Tricks to Enhancing Equipment

Reached another level benchmark?

Gotta face him again?

Well no problem!

This guide is here to help you guys enhance your weapons successfully!

So for you guys who have little or no experience at all in enhancing equipments, here is some tips and tricks.

To start off, here is a chart on the enhancing success rate. (Applies for EPIC equipments)

As you can see, items will only start breaking if you attempt to enhance over +6. So it is highly suggested to stop enhancing your equips after you reached +6 to avoid any great loss.

But what if you want to reach further?

So, you wanna get your equips to something as high as +8 or even +10? No problem! Here are 2 ways how to do it-

Method #1- Get a spare! Make sure that you enhance your main AND space to the +6 benchmark. After that, attempt to enhance one to +8 (if you are targeting +8). If it breaks, you still have your +6 one to use, if it doesn't, you might want to enhance the OTHER one to a high level, +9 or even +10! If it breaks, you will still have the +8 one available, if it doesn't, congratulations, you have obtained your +9/+10 equipment!

Method #2- This is the "jelly" way. This method is highly suggested for enhancing equipments that are level 50 or above, due to the high cost of purchasing another one. If you noticed, there is the option for you to use Item Protection Magic Jelly, or just Jelly for short, to prevent your items from breaking.

Jelly could be obtained from a few ways, buying it from the Trading House, opening up level achievement boxes, buying from the cash shop for 75cc each, or from special Dragon Nest events. Each equipment will comsume jellies ranging from 1 digit, to about 16 jellies, depending on your equipment.

You might ask, are there rituals out there to improve your enhancing success rate? Here are 2 rituals I use.

1) Go to a channel with little people so to avoid people from "stealing" your luck.

2) When failing over 2 times, change channels and try again.

I hope that after reading this mini guide, you will have more confidence in enhancing your equipments to your desired enhancement level successfully, have fun and a good day! :) 
